Spring Has Sprung!
While watering my orchids the other day I was very excited to see that three of the four plants have new leaves coming out. Spring has...
What Would Susan Do?
Rick is an easy going, six foot four affable man, who doesn’t get flustered or upset easily. He always has a smile on his face much like...
Does Reiki 'Fix' Anything?
What’s the use of magic if I can’t fix this? I heard that line while watching television. The station was advertising the next episode of...
What Effect Are You Having?
It occurred to me the other day that I had made a promise I wasn't keeping. I had received a request for a distant Reiki healing...
Chief Possibility Officer
Have you ever heard the term CPO: Chief Possibility Officer before? The first time I came across it was in the book The Miracle Minute by...