Book Review - The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place: Book I: The Mysterious Howling
The story is of Miss Penelope Lumley, a young fifteen-year-old orphan who is hired as a nanny to three children living on the estate called

Resumé vs Eulogy
Resumé vs Eulogy - The virtues that make up who we are, how they fit into our lives, and then are reflected through our thoughts and actions

Book Review: The Road to Character
David Brooks, “challenges us, and himself, to rebalance the scales between our “resume virtues” and "eulogy virtues."

Irritation or Challenge?
Irritation or Challenge? Is there a difference in how you handle those two scenarios?

Book Review - A Spool of Blue Thread
Book: A Spool of Blue Thread By: Anne Tyler Genre: Fiction, Literature, Family Saga According to the back of the book A Spool of Blue...