My late father-in-law was an astute and successful businessman. I’m sure he had his failures in life but he never spoke of them with me, and I didn’t ask. There has always been one piece of advice he gave that stuck with me. Mostly because when I really should have followed it I didn't, and wished I had later.
He said that if you were being hurried to make a decision – don’t. Don’t do anything. If you were going to lose the deal, lose it. Another one would come your way. But if you gave yourself a week to think about it something would let you know if it was right or wrong for you.
All this came to mind recently because of a Reiki class. I was besotted with Jikiden Reiki from my very first class back in 2008. It was elegant and easy. It made sense. Everything had a place without someone saying that something was added because it came to them in a meditation. Granted, the original Reiki system arrived in a flash of light but when you hear the history surrounding it, the puzzle fits.
A few curve balls later, I was eligible to do the Shihan Kaku or assistant teacher training for Jikiden Reiki in 2014. While I wanted to, there was a lot going on in my life and it was an expensive course. So I hesitated. Then I got the email that the class was filling up and I needed to pay my deposit right away. I stopped dead!
Many years prior I had been given an ultimatum and acted. I should have waited. It was months later, and far too late, that I remembered the advice I had been given. I wasn’t going to make the same mistake. I pinned the paperwork to my notice board and decided that I’d deal with it after my holidays. If I lost out, so be it.
Off I went to Hawaii with my hubby. And the answer came. It came in two emails, from two different people, neither of which I knew. They were inquiring about taking the Shoden or level one class with me. I had told no one but close family I was considering the course, neither was it on the website or in any Facebook discussion! This was the cosmic wink to say that it was time for me to take the training. And I did.
You’ve had that experience haven’t you? When you rush, rush, rush to make a decision and then regret it. Percolation is the answer. Get all the facts. Review the details. Understand the consequences as best you can. Then let it all percolate. It happens in the background as you get on with your day and the million other things you have to do. It gives the cosmos a chance to help you see the direction of your alignment – the yes or the no.
And neither answer is good or bad. It just is. Whichever way you decide there will be challenges, forks in the road, and maybe even u-turns. However, I think when you take the time to ponder the road ahead becomes a little smoother.
Here’s to more percolation and smoother rides, and a Shoden Reiki class with me if you’re in the mood!