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Distant Reiki Healing

Simple • Effective • Transformative

Function with Confidence and Clarity, Conviction and Power! 

  • With the practice of Reiki I help clients overcome:

    • mental and emotional turmoil

    • resulting from significant emotional events including...

      • divorce

      • chronic pain

      • personal loss

      • questions about life purpose

For a limited time - Save 30% when you buy Distant Reiki Healing Sessions

Usually $55 per session, now only $38.50 each

"It turns out that an introduction to Reiki, distant healing sessions, and multiple mind shifting conversations with Jacquie, were just what I needed. I have found the motivation and inspiration to escape the crushing confinement of my own mind -  and to create a space for me to feel like I am not stuck." Marisa D. 

How will you benefit?

  • Reiki is the means to bring balance to your body and mind

  • Balance helps you create a foundation of inner peace 

  • From a place of peace you will think and act with:

    • Confidence and clarity, conviction and power


  • Reiki may also help:

    • ​Improve Sleep

    • Decrease Stress Hormones

    • Reduce Pain, Anxiety, and Fatigue

    • Enhance Well-Being and Quality of Life

Get your Distant Reiki Healing Sessions now and save.
This offer includes a pdf journal to start recording
your healing journey to peace.
Only $38.50 per session!

Once the payment is complete the link for the pdf journal will be sent to you. 

"I attribute a large part of my progress in managing anxiety to working with Jacquie. Her personal commitment to health, not only through Reiki, but also through meditation, exercise, healthy relationships, and self-respect have made her a trusted mentor...Every session is a little bit different, and every session helps me to become calmer and stronger. I highly recommend working with her." ~ Allison

What do we need for distance healing to work?

  • An internet connection or a phone line

    • Used to physically connect us


  • ​A connection through Reiki

    • ​Used to energetically connect us

Will Reiki healing work for me? 

Healing takes time, happens on many levels, and works differently for every person. Reiki healing has a cumulative effect stabilizing the nervous system and reducing stress to facilitate healing. With multiple healing sessions your mind and body system is kept engaged in the healing process, thereby accelerating it.

Other frequently asked questions: 


How quickly will I see results?

Reiki healing is not an instant fix. The longer you have had a condition the more time it may take to heal.


Do I have to believe in or understand how Reiki works? 

You do not have to believe in Reiki for it to work. However, the nature of Reiki is one of co-operation including an active commitment on the part of the recipient. You fully participate by accepting responsibilty for your healing, taking action as necessary, and following treatment plans with your medical team. 


Can I stop taking my medication? 

Reiki healing is not a substitute for qualified healthcare. Do not stop medical treatments without consulting your doctor about alternatives. However, Reiki works in conjunction with all medications and thearpies and is being used in many hospitals around the world to help alleviate the side effects of many medical treatments.  


Who is Jacqueline Ramsey and what makes her qualified?

I happily answer to Jacquie, and I am a mother of two boys who had a cycling accident that led to years of physical pain. In 2003 I took my first Reiki training but the pain was too much and I thought it was not working. Yet Reiki kept coming back into my life and in May 2006 I started the training again and self-treating in October 2006. In February 2007 I had my first pain free hour in three and a half years. I have not looked back and I want to help others find the peace and healing that has helped in all areas of my life.   

Navy Shipyard in Washington D.C. - Sept. 2013


After a tragic and devastating shooting spree I was invited as part of a group to give Reiki Healing Sessions to surviors.


Twenty minutes of Reiki healing helped numerous people at the Navy Shipyard focus on their own healing and forget, for a moment, the tragedy that had happened to them and their co-workers. A few people even came back for a second session. Some of the recipients were surprised how quickly they were able to relax, “tune out”, and even fall asleep in such a short time. The thing that made it all worthwhile for me was the comment, “Thank you so much for doing this, this is exactly what we needed”.

Don't wait...sign up now! 


  • Distant Healing Reiki sessions

  • 45 minutes each

  • pdf journal included

  • $38.50 per session normally $55 each

  • Save 30% off the regular price

  • Link to journal sent when payment is complete


 Fort Belvoir, VA - USO Warrior & Family Center - 2012-2014


Volunteer with CAUSE USA in their Reiki Healing program for wounded soldiers.


The feedback we got from the program had qualitative data showing reduced stress and pain. One soldier’s stress went from 4 to 1, another one’s from 5 to 1 (5 being the highest rating & 1 being the lowest). 


The response to the reiki sessions was very positive. CAUSE surveys showed reduced stress and pain, in addition to comments such as, “this was excellent”, “this was my first time. It felt great and I am looking forward to doing this again”, "Great program. Thank you for your service to us." - Christine Mosely, Program Coordinator

Just a couple more thoughts...


While there are no definitive results available today science continues to study Reiki to see exactly how it works. There is no doubt that Reiki does have, and continues to have a positive effect on those who use it and are lucky enough to receive it from qualified practitioners. I started my working life as an accountant so I was trained in cause and effect, and in a world where “one plus one must equal two”.  But I have learned from my Reiki journey that some things are not so easily explained yet it is clear that these same things are real and are making a difference. Seeing the joy and transformations Reiki brings to my clients has made this a lot easier and I hope you will join me in this experience.


And if you have reached this page and are feeling this is your last resort, take a breath, relax. I felt that way when I found Reiki as have many of my clients. It is another option to consider in your healing journey and one that will not only benefit your body, but your whole life. 

Canadian Forces - 2010 - 2012

Volunteer with the Military Family Resource Center in Cold Lake, Alberta and Ottawa, Canada

I gave Reiki treatments as part of the spa nights for spouses of deployed military members​

Sign up now for this limited time offer and experience this simple, effective, and transformative healing system! 

You Get: 


  • Distant Healing Reiki sessions

  • 45 minutes each

  • pdf journal included

  • $38.50 per session normally $55 each

  • Save 30% off the regular price

  • Link to journal sent when payment is complete


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